Guides for Academic Practice

Philosophy is not only content, but also a practice. Here is some advice I’ve written on the practical side of things.


Writing Philosophy
This brief guide covers the very basics of philosophical writing. It’s intended for students new to philosophy.
Guide (long) (version: August 2017)
Guide (short) (version: December 2016)
Handouts on Writing
These are some handouts I have provided on courses focussed on writing.
Student Feedback Form
I use this form to provide feedback to students in a structured way. There are many similar forms available on the internet, but I’ve found that many are too generic (i.e., they do not take into account the specifics of philosophical writing), or they tend to overly focus on formal aspects of writing.
Feedback Form (version: August 2017 / US grading scheme)
Decent Academic Layout, and Using Word to Achieve It
Ugly papers in philosophy abound. I try to explain why I find standard layouts repelling, and what a decent layout looks like instead. I also describe how to use a powerful tool contained in Word, formatting styles. This paper might be of interest to students as well as academics.
On Layout (version: September 2015)

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